Tourmaline are mixed crystals
of complex aluminum-borosilicate varying in their
composition. This variance produces a startling
array of colors. Not only the wide range of colors
characterizes this gemstone, but it also shows
a remarkable dichroism.
In an ancient Egyptian legend, Tourmaline displays
such a unique variety of colors because on the
way up from the earth’s heart to the sun,
it traveled along and gathered the colors of a
rainbow. It is often referred to as the “Rainbow
Gemstone”. The name Tourmaline actually
derives from a Singhalese expression “tura
mali”. This means “stone of mixed
colors”. Tourmalines can be red, green,
blue, and yellow. They can even be bi- or multi-colored.
Some Tourmalines change color in artificial light,
others display chatoyance. Every tourmaline is
unique, and thus this gemstone suits a wide range
of personalities and tastes.
Deep red Tourmaline which does not change color
in artificial light is named "Rubellite”.
If the color changes it is a “Pink Tourmaline”.
Blue Tourmalines are called "Indigolith”,
"Dravite” is a golden-brown to dark
brown Tourmaline, and black Tourmalines are known
as "Schorl”, and are believed to ward
off harmful radiation. "Verdelith”
is the green Tourmaline, but if the greenness
is caused by traces of chromium, the stone is
“Chromium-Tourmaline”. Paraiba Tourmaline,
a gemstone showing a vivid deep blue to bluish
green, was found for the first time in1987 in
the mines of the Brazilian state of Paraiba. Yellow
Tourmalines are generally from Malawi. There are
many more varieties of bi- and multi-colored Tourmaline
as well. For example, slices taken from Tourmalines
with red heart and green border are called a "Watermelon-Tourmaline”;
slices with a clear heart and a black border are
called "Moor’s head –Tourmaline”.
Tourmaline has often been said to have a lasting
effect on love and friendship.
Depending on the angle of view the color will
be different or at least show different intensity.
The deepest color always appears along the main
axis, a fact that the gemstone cutter has to keep
in mind when cutting the stone. This gemstone
is excellently suited for wearing and is uncomplicated
to care for, since all Tourmalines show a hardness
of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs’ scale.
There are important occurrences of Tourmaline
in Brazil, in Sri Lanka and South and Southwest
Africa. Other occurrences are situated in Nigeria,
Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. Tourmalines are also
found in the USA, first of all in Maine and Utah.
But although there are rich occurrences of Tourmalines
all over the world, good qualities and fine colors
are only rarely offered on the market. Therefore,
then, the price range achieved by Tourmaline almost
matches its wide range of colors.
Not only designers are fascinated by Tourmaline
because of its incomparable wealth of colors providing
unlimited inspiration. Scientists are also intrigued
due to its astonishing physical characteristics:
by heating and subsequently cooling down Tourmalines
will be charged up. The stone will then show positive
charge at one end, and negative charge at the
opposite pole. This is termed "pyro-electricity”,
according to the Greek word "pyros"
denoting fire. Pressure will also lead to the
stone’s charging, and in the course of discharging
the plus- and minus-poles will alternate, so that
the stone will show vibrations similar to Rock
Crystal, but much stronger. The Dutch, who originally
brought Tourmaline to Europe, already knew about
this effect long before it was subjected to scientific
study. They used heated Tourmalines to extract
the ashes from their meerschaum pipes and named
the gemstone "Aschetrekker”.