Apatite is a natural colored
calcium fluoride phosphate, with carbonate, hydroxyl
or chlorine sometimes replacing the fluoride.
It is used in the manufacture of fertilizers and
is a source of phosphorus for plants. The name
‘Apatite’ stems from the Greek word
"apate" that means "to deceive",
in reference to its striking similarity to other
more valuable minerals, such as Peridot and Beryl.
Apatite is found worldwide, in Russia, Canada,
Mexico, Spain and Africa.
Apatite is composed of three different minerals
depending on the predominance of either fluorine,
chlorine or the hydroxyl group. These are considered
together due to the difficulty in distinguishing
them in hand samples using ordinary methods.
Apatite is found in all igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks. The softness of Apatite prevents
its acceptance as a gemstone, though it can be
cut as a gem. The nature of this gemstone varies
from being transparent to opaque, with colors
ranging from yellow, green, blue, violet and colorless.