Ametrine is a beautiful Quartz
which has both Amethyst and Citrine colors in
the same crystal. Ametrine is bi-colored with
purple and yellow flashes.
Only one mine in the world produces Ametrine;
the Anahi Mine in Bolivia. A Spanish conquistador
received the mine as a dowry when he married Princess
Anahi from the Ayoreos tribe. The conquistador
gave Ametrine stones as gifts to his bride, and
the gem was thus introduced to Europe.
Ametrine is generally a 50/50 pairing of Amethyst
and Citrine, fashioned in a rectangular shape.
Occasionally a checkerboard pattern of facets
is added to the top to enhance light reflection.
It can also be cut to blend the two colors so
that the resulting stone is a mix of purple, yellow,
and peach tones. Ametrine is also popular among
artistic cutters and carvers who play with the
colors, creating landscapes in the stone.
Ametrine is a very durable gemstone suited for
a variety of jewelry uses. The color contrast
is most pronounced in sizes over seven carats,
but the stone can be found in several sizes and