A beautiful mineral, labradorite
can produce colorful lighting across cleavage
planes and in sliced sections, called labradorescence,
which ranges from greens, yellows and oranges
to the blues and violets.
Labradorite is found in igneous rock and is a
variety of plagioclase feldspar. It is a member
of the series of minerals defined at approximately
the 50% to 70% CaAl2 Si2 O8 . All members of the
plagioclase series usually display lamellar twinning
called "Albite Twinning". Labradorite
can be found in brilliant colors and is usually
cut with a flat surface to enhance these colors.
Labradorite is a solar plexus stone and is said
to bring about understanding and heal mental confusion.
It also is believed to strengthen the immune system.
The gemstone is found in the regions of Newfoundland,
Canada, Ukraine, Ural Mountains, and the USA.
Finnish Labradorite is also known as Spectrolite.
The major sources include: Finland, Canada and
the USA.